Again a slightly hurried post.. will expand for New Years Fireworks post. Some tips from my local vet Parkhill Vets on keeping your pets calm.
10 Tips to Help Keep Your Pets Happy During the Firework season
What you can do.......

1. Walk your dog early before the fireworks start.
2. Ensure windows, doors and cat flaps remain closed to prevent a frightened pet escaping.
3. Draw curtains and put on the TV or radio to mask the noise.
4. Provide a den or hiding place for your pet whilst the fireworks are going off. Cats feel more comfortable at a higher level.
5. Provide a litter tray for your cat.
6. Try not to leave your pets alone.
7. Ignore fearful behaviour, dogs may pick up on their owners' anxiety making the problem worse.
8. Provide distractions in the form of new toys and chews. Do NOT
punish your pet! This will only make your pet more distressed.
9. For worried pets use an Adaptil Diffuser or Collar (for dogs) or
Feliway Diffuser for Cats. Have these plugged in close to their 'Den' or
hiding place, or where your pet spends most of its time.
10. Feed Calmex for dogs 30-60 minutes before the desired effect is required. Calmex for cats is fed twice daily.
I would add to this by reinforcing the point of keep all gates and exits to your house locked. Bonfire night is very very very prone to making dogs or cats run away because they get so scared they bolt in whatever direction to get away from the fireworks and stops them from thinking rationally, also make sure your dog/cat is identifiable with a tag so they can be returned if lost.
And some other good tips:
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