Friday, 8 June 2012

National Microchipping Month

Sadly everyday hundreds of pets go missing and according to recent figures only 19% of dogs and 4% of cats are reunited with their owners.  Did you know that 1 in 3 pets is lost in its lifetime? Around 90% of pets with an ID return home, while 90% of pets without are never found by their owner?

The traditional collar and tag is good however-as many of us who have adventurous pets know-these do not always stay in place and can often be lost. Which is why the microchip is so brilliant.  If your pet was to be stolen, a collar is easily removed, however, a microchip would require surgery which makes it easier for the police to prove who the pets rightfull owner is. Microchips are hardly bigger than a grain of rice and are simple and quick for the vet to insert into the back of the neck.  The chip will then last a lifetime.

A range of pets can be micro-chipped including dogs, cats, birds, rodents and even fish!

The chip itself contains your contact details so remember having a microchip is useless if it has the wrong information so be sure to update your pets microchip if you move house or get a new phone!

So make sure June is the month you get your pet micro-chipped and be one of the owners of the 90% that are returned home.

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